If you want to rise above the scraggle and the scrum of this crazy life, to the dizzy heights of happiness and success, you must learn to choose your battles…
Leave the small fights for small fighters….
Stop fighting for attention
Stop fighting for people who don’t see you.
Stop fighting for partners who lie and cheat.
Stop fighting against the gossip and the trouble makers.
Stop fighting public expectation of how you should live.
Stop fighting inlaws, work colleagues and friends who aren’t true.
Stop fighting to change the opinions of stupid people with small minds.
Save your strength and your energy for the big fights… the real stuff
Start fighting for your dreams.
Start fighting for YOUR way of life and your purpose
Start fighting your value
Start fighting for your loved ones and friends who matter most
Start fighting for your ideas, your vision.
Start fighting for your small corner of the world, make it as stunning and wonderful as you dare to dream it.
Leave the small fights for small fighters. You, my friend, have bigger fish to fry.
Some fights are not worth your time.
Choose what you fight for wisely!
Do you need help or support to start living your true potentiel?
I'm here for you.
Much Love
Christy Evenepoel
